
Sukkot and Passover are Jewish holidays.

Ashley Feinberg: you fuck off, ya sarcastic, sardonic twit. Take your surface-melodrama political commentary and UNKINDLY fuck off.

What do you suppose he was referring to when he said ‘your move Detroit’?

No shit. At least the fish gets the worm; the mouse, the cheese.

Can you tell some stories about how intense Kobe was when he raped people too?

The screaming ‘YOU RED CUNT’ thing had me in tears

This fascination goes along way in parallel explanation of why Trump is within a public hair of being elected to the office of the President of the United States.

“recent spate of lawsuits brought by rich people against news outlets that publish true things about famous people”

How the fuck do you roast the Broncos without highlighting Elway’s failure to take an ownership share back when he retired from playing, effectively costing himself half a billion dollars? This would be like Zuckerberg not stealing the idea for Facebook.

Essentially, everyone calling out Kaepernick is grasping at whatever straw they can that will allow them to delegitimize Kaepernick’s reason for protesting.

Hey, how long until your Gawker email address stops working?

Goff asked Cooper if he knew where the sun rose and the wide receiver said, “In the air?”