This thing is still happening?
This thing is still happening?
Yeah, too close to the wall.
Of course not.
To identify as a feminist is, of course, to merely acknowledge that all people are equal but that society is currently inequal.
So, if you look like clickbait, you get treated like clickbait?
Ready for a super-hot take?
They’re hipsters precisely because of this rebellious anti-modern decorating style.
I would like to have a word with them. That show had great potential but went absolutely nowhere.
Fallen, maybe? I guess that was more suspense than horror though.
With as much as you hate on River (terrible, detested, etc), you’re coming across like an incel at this point. If that’s what you’re going for, then, well, you do you, I guess.
Build, huh?
Build, huh?
Robert Kuntz said of Blackmoor. “It was a fully functioning game.
...Worden’s parents...
Eureka was okay. The 4400 was awful. I am not sad.
If its users become a liability, Twitter’s going to be a lot more concerned about what that rando egg is tweeting, or what anyone is tweeting for that matter, because providing a platform to speak online would carry enormous financial and legal risk.
...potential thieves and villains will be able to spot the cameras more easily.
Do you feel a little bit silly for having lugged around a flip-phone? I know I don’t.
Samsung announced an ARM-based...
I bet you taped over your camera too.