
Last week, in the case where the judge made the govt turn a plane around and bring back someone they were deporting while her case was pending, the judge made the govt name one person in charge of each department (HHS, ICE, Homeland Security, etc.) who would be personally responsible and face Contempt of Court charges


I think it is a new story. Tom Arnold says he has seen the tape and Trump called Eric the R word and said that he fucks up everything he touches. Here is a link:

Tom Arnold says he has seen the tape and Trump called Eric the R word and said that he fucks up everything he touches.

Tom Arnold says he has seen the tape and Trump called Eric the R word and said that he fucks up everything he touches.

We’re hearing about him now because his own father used the R-word to refer to him on one of these tapes.

I would like to see EVERY visitor to the Statue of Liberty wear an Abolish ICE t-shirt. Let’s start a movement.

It is a reality tv show. Why wouldn’t you say that when the camera is rolling? More than that, I can hear RuPaul saying that with humor.

I love how he goes right back to the song. Well done sir.

There is plenty of room for BOTH!!!

It is important for the public to know that there is one standard of justice for black cops who harm black citizens and another for white cops who harm black citizens.

Can we talk about Louise Mensch? Who is she? Why do people believe the stuff she writes? I’ve read some of her stuff and it sounded like sheer speculation wrapped in appeals to false authority. I have had some of the people I respect most refer me to her but her stuff seems all made up to me.

I have no problem with those. It is clear she wants to expose the predator for who he is but now she also wants to expose that what he did was actually wrong, regardless of what the idiots on that jury think!

Utter bullshit.

Yes, inherent selfishness is the problem with unchecked capitalism too. Expecting the greediest of people with the most selfish of motives to somehow do what is in the best interest of people, communities, animals, or the earth is silliness. They literally can’t. They are hoarders. And some of them are sociopaths or

52% of white women WHO VOTED voted for Trump. That’s very different than saying 52% of the white women in America voted for Trump.

Only 58% of registered voters voted.
A large swath of the population is not even registered to vote.

It is simply not the case that 52% of the white women in America supported Trump and

They support Democratic Socialism which is based on the principles of a democracy. Like FDR and Teddy Roosevelt. Democratic Socialism is using a little money from everyone to provide services for everyone. This country already has many social constructs paid for with our tax dollars - the military, highways and

I hope you are right. That star was me wishful thinking. This is all madness.

I can’t get enough of this story. How dumb do you have to be!?!

She is straight up singing Chapman’s song! This is not a sample. This is a cover with a sample of Nicki.