This is the moment in this Major League reboot (Major League: O Boy!) when the team goes on an epic run inspired by tearing off the stick-on clothes of the cardboard cutout of Peter Angelos.
This is the moment in this Major League reboot (Major League: O Boy!) when the team goes on an epic run inspired by tearing off the stick-on clothes of the cardboard cutout of Peter Angelos.
and Witherfork, Witherstraw and maybe even Witherhands.
You should have smacked her for talking during the anthem.
Higher chance of him having to eat a bear’s ass in prison
it would absolutely whip ass if this guy was eaten alive by a bear or something
Customer feedback has to be seen through a filter. They do not always understand what they want or need with respect to the product being created, and it’s easy to have a vocal minority sound like they are representative of a broader opinion.
I have a pay for your GBs data plan, and the only time I ever had to buy 2 GBs was when I was in a doctor’s office and they were an hour late. Used 784 MBs of Plex that day.
Pretty much. The guy is still young but with a big enough paycheck and how much he is currently worth he could just wait till his numbers dwindle on mixer and then comfortably retire without having to work another day in his life.
“Elaine Benes’ famous “Yadda-yadda-yadda” catchphrase”
Isn’t an “Edison style” bulb, by definition, supposed to be made of stolen ideas?
Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world
The people who fall off of 2K aren’t going to fall into NBA Live. 90% of those people probably don’t remember a time when Live wasn’t a crap game.
Yeah, I do watch, and occasionally stream too and that’s exactly what I’d suggest unless she’s being intentionally controversial..
Breastfeeding in public is completely fine as we know the mother has no other option most of the time.
On the one hand, normalizing breastfeeding would be a nice social achievement.
That one hit home, and I’m not even a Giants fan.
I had that thought at first, but then I remembered oh right, he’s the Hulk, he has the strength to throw / manipulate much larger things than a bike or small car (such as tanks, those big flying space whale things from A1, etc), so those would actually seem relatively weightless to him.
I, for one, never got tired of it.
“I refuse to support Bezos.... Except for when they're showing something I'm interested in."
“That all being said, The Boys is an Amazon production, and no amount of biting critique is going to change the fact that it’s every bit a part of the big machine it’s rallying against as Warner Bros. or Disney.”