Ege Bamyası

"I know Chris [Sunday]. You're the fella that landed on him. He's dead."

I don't know, but I like these:

That joke will finally pay off when I finish the first season of LOST.

*scrolls down to comments*

Does that have something to do with the meaning of Christmas?

I don't know. I keep changing my mind. Review and The Good Place are up there. Most of my other favourites are currently mid-season, such as The Leftovers. I was impressed with the first three episodes of The Handmaid's Tale and the American Gods premiere. Both have great *potential*. The Americans has been excellent.

What do you think of the book?

If I had been allowed two words, I would have said "institutional dysfunction".

Alternatively: Baltimore.

(no spoilers, please)

Deadwood jonx.

The Wire = institutions?

Yeah… That's true…

LOST = loss?

Deadwood = civilisation?

I'd go with "change" for Breaking Bad.

I actually like Yellow House more.
