Ege Bamyası

That's fantastic. I might not be able to listen to all of those songs, but I will listen to the studio albums. Also, I found Salyu x Salyu online. ありがとう

*raises hand*

That was pretty great. Maybe he's writing a book on Chicago?

What are some of your favourite Cornelius tracks?

There's a loop from the album, or an extremely repetitive track, on the website here.


Her is next.

The cover art is by Jan Saudek:

I have only seen The Master and 20th Century Women.

How would you rank the films (co-)produced by Annapurna Pictures?

Happy 30th birthday, Sign "☮"" the Times!

It escalates wonderfully and even offers insight into their characters. I see it as a demonstration of fight-or-flight responses to dangers: flight (Beth), freeze (Lisa), fight (Catherine). My response to the scene was something like Lisa's response to Matthew's moustache.

The article about Yuri Norstein was pretty great.

I also liked Louisa Thomas's tennis writing, but she's no Brian Phillips.