Ege Bamyası

Estou curioso sobre golfinhos.

I wish it didn't irk me, but it does.

Here's a "stately manatee":

I searched for "curious dolphin" and found this:

Who likes props? The Property Master for this season of The Americans, Dan "I am the Prop Master for Season Five of The Americans" Fisher, has has been posting some interesting comments:


I don't think 2016 would be so polite.

If I start, I'll probably have to watch all of it.

I regret the electoral decisions of many of my compatriots.

"We already miss you. Thank you and goodbye."

CAN changed my life too.

Maybe so, but I don't think I have that channel. I really should watch The (American) Office.

I saw it at an impressionable age. I was nine when I first saw Blackadder Goes Forth. I think it had an impact my sense of humour (for better or worse) and even how I thought about things like war and nationalism. I was able to answer questions in school (on at least two occasions) due to things I had learned from Blac

It's on UK Netflix, but I don't think Community has ever been on TV on this side of the pond.

I watched (some of) some of the CONMEBOL World Cup qualifiers. Some thoughts:

10-4. I think we are now all on the same page.

Like Chicago rain!