
OMG! Those are gorgeous!! Do they sound better than Grados?

'I bet it's dial-up, because that would be hell.'

There is no money to be made with peace.....War IS big business

Nothing new to see here folks.....

Why isn't Halle Berry in Monsters Ball not on the list!!! That was awesome!! It's gotta be at least number 10!!


or a venereal disease.....

Because Amazon still looses business to the consumer that needs that particular item today. Not now, but RIGHT now! For basic cables, adapters and accessories (video or audio) Radio Shack was the place to go when you needed it right away. Their prices however was still stuck, as if the country had no other options

Yup, its right next to the 'balls of steel' polishing kit.

Hired!! When can you start?.....


This is cool as hell, but I'm not going to admit it so there!!!

You sir are a genius. BTW, for full disclosure, I'm stealing that last line....

Do these people realize that it is online already?? Remove it from Google maps, ok poof! Done. Remove it from the entire internet and everyone who may possibly already have a screenshot and/or image of the route? Umm.......