
Haha. He’s just using Kinja® to facilitate a conversation. In this case, kick off a little “Accord vs 6” thread.

I believe the riot will be inevitable if this is not COTD.

And R2D2 just stood there doing NOTHING

Granny shifters gonna granny shift.

I think he lost it in the granny shift. He should’ve double-clutched.

No one wants to drive a minivan.

These banana brake calipers are very appeeling.

Someone in Canada saw Top Gear do it on a dam with a Land Rover and said “Hold my Molson, eh?”

Tiaran’t joking. If you bought it online, that would be a real case of Paypal infallibility.

But at 3400lbs, that’s still a lot of Mass to move...

I miter been interested even without his signature.

Keeps the burnout rubber off the paint

And the Dodge will only need an engine rebuild every 4 runs instead of every run!

Raph, sometimes you just have to fuck up to learn.

I don’t think it’s the Civic he’s going to want to screw (up or otherwise).

That’s not a typo, Alanis. They know what they have.


Pfft, compared to those snooty EG6 and AE86 folk, the E90 and E30 people are easy to deal with.