
On my first day earning $6500/minute, I would get to work at 8am and retire by noon, I wouldn’t even have to take a lunch. $1.56 million is a withdrawal rate of $46,800 at a super conservative 3%.

“Leather raped interior”

I think many of us would happily produce tons of boring FWD CVT SUV’s for the general public, but charge more for them so we can have all the manual AWD hot hatches and brown wagons for ourselves at a discount.

Neutral: Jalopnik commenters.

Excuse me, I do not.

if you drive a crossover instead of a wagon perhaps your life needs a reboot

No worries, I wasn’t adding any tone to the thing. Just wanted to letcha know I do agree with you there, but that’s not what I was talkin about. Briefly piloted a ‘71 Newport back in the day myself so I can confirm it as well. ;)

I didn’t believe you until I went straight to the horse’s mouth.

You’re right, there are hundreds of millions of vehicles just in Europe and North America, yet these kinds of general “crowd attacks” seem to be a more recently developing and increasing type of attack.

There is one fusion of car and truck that looks badass. It’s called the Rally Fighter, and it’s both the most crossover thing ever and the least crossover thing ever.

We are a vocal minority railing against the insurmountable tsunami of mediocre CVT FWD based bloatovers that will only continue to grow in this day and age of cheap gas. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stop fighting the good fight.

Your offer is accepted pending approval of your safe word.

out of sheer jalopism you should refuse to help anyone buy a crossover ever.

Come down south. I just got myself a sweet S90 T6 AWD with all packages minus the B&W sound for $60,050 MSRP and thats before the insane discounts.

We don’t appreciate your common sense and logical thinking around here. Now excuse me while I go make a post why a brown diesel manual wagon shooting brake Miata will be the savior that automakers need.

Believe me, I think it is extremely unlikely. But just because it is hopeless, doesn’t mean that we don’t try to be excellent to each other. In the end though, you don’t become the dominate species on a planet by being good at sharing and togetherness. There will most likely always be the oppressors and the oppressed.

No more Fusion, Focus, Fiesta...the root of the problem is that Ford is simply running out of Fs to give.

To be honest, I thought Ryan was very PRO Tesla about a year ago and I HATED it. I hate what Tesla is doing with autonomy. I could care less about EV, but the huge push for autonomy at the same time....screw that, I love driving and I will defend that until the day I legally cant.