Ocean Sage

Not only does he not stop him from saying it, the whole joke in this one is that Pumbaa waits for him to stop him before saying it. (I realize this isn’t the best evidence that the Timon and Pumbaa stuff is pretty good, but it is generally pretty good.)

For once Dowd isn’t alone — critics all over the place are tearing this remake apart. Alas, it’s not gonna stop this thing from making zillions of dollars.

I once said to a friend of mine, “Yeah I like Beyonce I guess. I mean she’s okay.” Judging by my friend’s reaction you’d have thought I’d called her mother a whore.

“like it weighs approximately none of its 450 pounds.”

The side-by-side comparison of the original sequence to the new one is brutal.

The woman can’t pronounce “surfboard.”  Who thought she would be a good line reader?

I am beyond sick of the baffling Beyonce worship.

This is all spot on but its going to fall on deaf ears for one single reason: Beyonce. Shes in it. And everyone knows she can do no wrong. Seriously though, her god like stardom means that most of the praise and interest this film has been having is because she’s in it. Not because everyone wanted a Lion King remake

I’m looking forward to the photo-real remake of Inside Out, which will just be talking chunks of human brain.

You will probably never hear me complain about posting too many Werner Herzog “quotes.”

Nobody delivers scathing invective like our own D.D (plus). Aowd.

But on the other hand, this movie does look like shit

Executive producer: Werner Herzog.

I laughed out loud when the page loaded and I saw the grade. This morning I saw the released clip of the “Hakuna Matata” scene and it’s just a disaster. I have to impose an outside, intellectual awareness that the characters on screen are supposed to be singing to understand what’s happening because it’s just not

Merely “photorealistic cruddiness” in the headline gave off delightful Jay-Sherman-in-a-bad-mood vibes, and the rest of the article more than lived up to it. Superb pannery.

Me, after reading seven paragraphs full of one excoriating pull-quote after another:

Sophie was Polish, not German. The Germans forced the titular choice on her. And it’s not like a Polish accent sounds similar to a German one.


“This is a difficult movie to watch. I found the whole experience very taxiing.”

“The demands of action and comedy, however, are apparently much too great a weight for this action-comedy to Lyft.”