Ocean Sage

Seriously I’m sick of every review or article about Legion being “LEGION IS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO MESS UP DEALING WITH SEXUAL ASSAULT!” before they’ve actually done anything.

When Legion is done, Bill Irwin deserves more starring roles because that escape was a thing of absolute beauty.

When that played, I said out loud, “This must be the Shadow King’s Christmas in July special!”

That’s the problem with Charlie Brown.  Identify too strongly with him, and you become an asshole who sees yourself as a victim.  Even when you are.  Charlie may be Everyman, but Everyman can be a jerk.

Bill Irwin, so good. That escape was mesmerizing.

If it wasn’t Vince Guaraldi’s it was an arrangement meant to mimic it that's for sure,

For as much as I’ve written about how this show isn’t equipped to handle the messy complexities of sexual assault, this conversation was a good step in the right direction.’

Legion significant music cues of the week

Paltrow is a tool, but to be fair, she didn’t remember that scene being in Spider Man, not having shot it.

I firmly believe that Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't know who anyone is purely because she can

hopefully there is a sequel, A Midsommar Night’s Dream .

I saw Hereditary at the theater, and was literally waiting for it to end. Plus, the ending had no real worthwhile pay-off, in fact, the ending was the worst part of the whole movie. That, and the fact, that you kill off the most interesting character part way through the film (the character being that of the weird

Hereditary more or less bore me to death, so is this better?

Or maybe, they liked them?

It always fascinates me how many people dismiss “best of” lists that don’t validate their personal tastes as “pretentious.” 

Truly, that is the mission of most film critics. Not to talk about the things they genuinely like, but to appear smart by subsuming their secret love of Detective Pikachu.

It always fascinates me how so many people seem to put movies nobody wants to watch on lists like this. Not attacking... I mean when people ask me what I read I don’t admit to “I am reading that latest Stephen King book” either and list things like “To the Lighthouse” or “Jacques the fatalist” too. Just have to laugh

Really solid list overall. Some great movies on here, including Under the Silver Lake which I watched last weekend and I’m still deciding if I like or not. I think it was good? Maybe that’s the point.

Teenagers are just the larger and slightly older category of children, you doofus. It’s the adults’ job to stop things like this, because teenagers are full of childish bad ideas.

16 isn’t a child. 16 is a teenager. This shouldn’t go down on his permanent record but I still think he needs to be tried as an adult if only to scare him straight.

love too have my employment be a trick played on me by a rich child who will never have to work a real job in their entire life