Occam's Babby Former

Recently in Plot Threads:
Crazy POp love song
Who's little beach are you?
A certain Morgan death or JUST a red herring by next weeks preview!?
WHy does many great anime studios gone bankrupt!?
Filth: Is it really just filth?
What we dicussed the other day, Hollywoody, reboots.
*deep breath* Let's talk about Lucifer.

You know the election's bad when Mitt becomes the most human and likeable.

Crazy Vox-Virgin

"Ha ha ha, he he he, I'm Chuck The Gnome you can't out-rebound me"

I read this as Charles Barkley, and then imagined him doing Bowie covers.

Because brown people = terrorism, obviously

When will sports fans just realize that The Wave is dead?

All of this couldn't have happened to a better man.

I am still heartbroken that Rebecca's dad never took her to the Georgia O'Keefe museum.

And you did a fine job! I was more making my case for the game being one of the most unique artistic achievements of the past 20 years.

Do you know how hard it is to pass a Bechdel test when you're a dream ghost?

Joking aside, I do maintain that Vietnamese Crystal is a surprisingly poetic deconstruction of video games, language and the human condition.

I realized I can and should and will and am morally obligated to watch CEG live this week, so I shall!


That's favorite Fats Domino gospel album!

And how! ;-)

I've been barely Getting Bi without CEG the past two weeks.

However, Hulk Hogan's sex tape surprisingly endorsed Cruz.

Star Trek Snapped: What Is Ameesha Patel Doing With Salman Khan? is surprisingly good Bollywood fare.