Occam's Babby Former

Is Lumumba really Lumbaka in disguise???

RIP in Black Jesus. :'-(

But Ted Cruz knows that his birth is too hideous for anyone to imagine, which is why nobody has spoken out against it!

Look, he can only fill so much racism into each day! He'll get to Cruz eventually.

I remember! I panned the river for months trying to find a genuine president!

Remember when everyone used to be like that about…2 years ago?

Kasich is trying so hard to be a normal conservative it's adorable!

Biden is the nominee when the elections are wrong.

You all Trumped. I mean penised.

Finally something he and John Oliver have in common!

Y'all sound so surprised. You don't build a tower named after yourself if you're secure about your penis!

Yeah, I always liked Emerald's story more. Realize both Team Aqua and Magma are both weird and wrong makes more sense and is a better message than teaming up with one side to fight the other.

Poor Porygon has been blacklisted from the anime ever since, even though Pikachu attacking it was responsible for the seizures.

Yeah, it really isn't mega evolution, but it does about the same thing and makes the game distinct form the originals.

I've been dabbling in some randomizers: programs that can alter randomly game roms starters, wild pokemon, movesets, TMs and all that. TH=hey are pretty easy to use and allow a good deal of customization. They can be pretty fun and mind-melting. However, they require roms, emulators and a willingness to skirt the law

I do think it will be some place new. Maybe not Europe since Kalso was based on France, but I could be wrong. Somewhere in Africa or South America would be neat. Australia would be cool too.

Oooh, that is a neat idea and makes some sense. Maybe mega evolution was introduced later to Hoenn or was there all along and became different being so isolated from Kalos. It also explains why Hoenn has primal Reversion and has distinct mega mons from Kalos.

Inspired by bongoes finishing OR/AS: