Occam's Babby Former

Steven's various reactions to Peridot in that gif may be better than Peridot herself.

More like The 100 Posts a Day Stingo Writes About the Damn Show, amirite???

Everyone knows true pole is about redirecting the male gaze.

Are you going to move to West Covina as well?

"Sweet Head" is sadly pretty obscure sense the lyrics are so provocative and unsubtle. It's a shame since it's one of the best pure rock songs from the Ziggy era. Some of Ronson's best from back then, which is saying a lot.

Even the Ziggy outtakes like "Velvet Goldmine" and "Sweet Head" could be good singles. Although "Sweet Head" was pulled for having very suggestive lyrics.

It's like the A.V. Club is a pop culture site or something!!!

Well, we knew Glaz before she was cool! Back when her Letterboxd reviews only got dozens of likes!


Revolutionary Girl Utena especially for the J. A. Seazer-fueled space rock opera insanity.

A Super Smash Bros. concert would indeed by awesome.

GOLB being Prismo's boss could explain why Magic Man wasn't able to wish Margles back into existence using Prismo's power.

I can't believe they had some falcons play hawks! Everybody can tell the difference!

Hottttttttttttttttttttt. I mean no! This is a fight! We are fighting!

Pokemon is truly the anti-Glee of JRPGs.

I'll subtly understate your face with my fist!