Occam's Babby Former

What a boring episode of Review!



Prismo has the ability to alter timelines with what's essentially a cosmic DVR. I can see lots of ways that could be misused or abused. Luckily, Prismo seems to know what he's doing.

What's it look like, ya donk?

And the hand did fall on BMO…

I'm not always keen on Moynihan episodes, but I liked this one a lot. Most MOynihan episodes for me are too fast-paced which blunt their emotional impact. However this episode, Moynihan dialed down his tendencies a bit and met the audience half-way resulting in a nicely paced and quite affecting episode. Starting in

First of all: stupid. Second of all: gay.

HOT TAKE: "Velvet Goldmine" is also a good song.

Typical W(alt) D(isney) C(orporation) response

There's a show called The Comment Section. We finally have our own TV show!

Lester Bangs: “I saw Bowie the other night.”

Lou Reed: “Lucky you. I think it’s very sad.”

LB: “He ripped off all your riffs, obviously.”

LR: “Everybody steals riffs. You steal yours. David wrote some really great songs.”

LB: “Aw c’mon. Anybody can write great songs! Sam the Sham wrote great songs! Did David write

If you're feeling down, take solace that whatever you do or draw or create won't ever be as bad as this or that or even this. Or pretty much any of these.

The LP version is great of course, with Ronson on guitar and Wakeman on piano, Bolder on bass and everything else.