Occam's Babby Former

I'm so glad this show is back and as good as ever. It's been way too long not having Wander in our lives.

You're welcome for that idea, Walking NPR! ;-)

Living in Nevada, I've gotten 3 pieces of Bernie mail and have seen lots of Hillary and Bernie TV ads the past month or so.

Slightly Blazerfreaked!

Of course the MVP of this episode, and of our lives, is White Josh.

Women gotta stick together /
All across this land /
Except for Denise Martinez /
That bitch I cannot stand.

No more aping Jane Austen? There goes my wonderful adaptation: Emma Gorilla. :'-(

Well, duh! It's a photograph of a potato, not an onion!

You say this like Donald Trump has the ability to do anything on purpose rather than being an atavistic and cynical manifestation of America's extreme avarice made flesh.


Manning is pretty much the only thing that's given the New England postseason woes in the AFC. The Patriots are now only 2-3 against Peyton Manning-led teams in the playoffs (2-1 against the Colts and 0-2 against the Broncos.)

This is assuming I actively try socialize with other people or like to talk about myself at all!

Is it really cancelled though? Maybe it isn't… I want to believe.

Man, Joel McHale turned The Soup into a right-wing conspiracy clip show so quickly I didn't even notice!

"Rising Tides, Crashing Skies" is still a better X-Files episode, though.

Stop talking to SBT then! Your liver can only take so much.

Man, when did Joel McHale on The Soup get so preachy? More like Clipos Didacticos, amirite?