Occam's Babby Former

Tad O'Malley makes Ronaldo seem subtle and reasonable.

Or you were abducted by aliens and your memories were erased!!!

We have to ease into it. It's not even baseball season yet!

Good Lord, what is happening in there?


"Are you here for a reason?"

You're not the boss of my face!

Whenever I shave my beard my face feels naked and sad.

Joel McHale is a Roswell truther on The X-Files! Man, Greendale really ruined his life.

The situation is a lot more nuanced than that!

Meanwhile Peyton Manning's face is a fashion black hole that absorbs the handsomeness of those around him.

Indeed. Fitzgerald is also the main reason the Cardinals are still playing tonight instead of the Packers.

Larry Fitzgerald? More like Edmund Fitzgerald, amirite???

lol Saban coaching the Dolphins.

To be fair to Saban, I'm sure Alabama fans always have been, are, and will be terrible.

I was saying Boooo-UGA.

Urban Meyer?

I'm surprised a team owned by Homer Simpson can make the Super Bowl.

I stumbled upon your Twitter and wondering why have you kept us updated on the most important thing: your pokemon figure collection!

Denver wins because of Omaha's America.