
It’s true; he’d be a great pick for this job

He should be able to get a job in the Trump administration pretty easily.

Wow, trump really is returning all these jobs that immigrants stole back to americans.

“Sent from somewhere over the rainbow”

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

You Shitti Farty Dirty Nasty Jude Bitch!

When you have an inherently corrupt system, where the people signing your paychecks have imposed an unspoken mandate upon you to minimize and obscure the one thing you’re paid to do, it is impossible to do a good job.

The understandable look of dread on a man about to be evaluated by NFL physicians for brain trauma.

Feel free to wrap yourself in the confederate flag. That is certainly your right. That said, it is my right to call you an outdated bigot and mock you openly for yearning for the return of one of America’s most shameful eras.

Take this antiquated bullshit back to Breitbart you fucking dummy.

He probably could have registered in Florida (if he meets whatever residency requirements Florida has), but he’s registered in Texas, and thanks to our electoral college system, his vote wouldn’t have mattered, at least in the presidential election.

rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air is very united statesian, tis true.

The anthem is about the principles that our country is founded upon, that’s why it was written.

This is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read. Perhaps you’re joking. In case you are not: this country was not founded on a song written during the War of 1812, a song not adopted as our national anthem until 1931. You may now return to the grays forevermore.

It doesn’t. And the more people apologize to the military and veterans for these kinds of protests, the more harm it does. We cannot cede to bullshit positions. It’s how we got here in the first place. To my knowledge, no group of any notoriety is protesting the American military at this time in our history. They

Sitting during the national anthem requires no apology to the military or veterans.

Thank god they got the original out before he turned around...

It’s going to be just Chris Christie, all alone in the West Wing, trying to answer dozens of phones while getting berated because Trump’s McDonald’s order is two hours late.

The best I can hope for is that my cocaine tree sprouts soon.

That’s because we’ll be living, not reading, the Winds of Winter...