
Secretary of Big Macs, Chris Christie.

Well, you only want to put the goods on display when the boss is there. Otherwise things can dry out.


Donald Trump slapped his second-most slappable son, who was wearing a Yankees shirt at the time?

Do I believe they called him “Diaper Don?”

To be fair, it was a different era. In 1998, urinating in other people’s beds wasn’t as big of a deal as it is today.

Yeah, but they made that sign four days ago.

So...70% x 90%. 6300%.

Or what does or does not constitute an offensive chop.

Considering he’s the head coach of Florida State, I’m not sure he’s really in a position to say that players are held accountable...

Giants’ even year bullshit is dead and the Cubs are losing the Series.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Burke for collecting these here faces in one fine place. How much i enjoyed seeing them, even if fleetingly, during the Fox broadcast. And now you’ve made it possible for me to scroll up and down one page and look at them all as often is I like. Love you for this, man!

The Cleveland fan will never reach that certain specialness that is the Boston fan.

Cleveland pulls this off, Francona goes to the HOF, right? I mean, he was borderline before this but this is some next level managing. In the next few years, we may be looking at these playoffs as when the game really changed how staffs are managed in critical series.

Most of them have only been Cubs fans since July or so.

This is the Cubs year:

Maybe say I hope we win this series and then burn our fucking minstrel mascot in flames like it should be burned

OMG, you mean he wasn’t an angel sent from Havana to save baseball and probably America too?

Dan LeBatard’s Monday show just got a whole lot more interesting.