
As a neutral this series, I’m having trouble deciding to cheer for the team with the racist logo or the team with the owner supporting the racist Presidential candidate.

That man looks cold.. We should get him a blanket

i threw up so much some of it might have ended up in your mouth too

I for one look forward to the newly created Faft Dungs.

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

why don’t some of the employees that won millions help chip in?

I like the people poking around the freebies table.

hope you don’t mind, but i just had to cut-and-paste this into a tweet to schilling. i didn’t want to, i really didn’t. and though i hate “trolling” and usually never would....it’s like a didn’t have a choice. i just had to!

The best part of watching the trainwreck of people who live in a delusional, self-aggrandizing bubble meeting cold, unforgiving reality...

On the bright side, he got a full 100% participation rate for MA Trump supporters.

It’s both! A Voltron of suck!

Why the hell has he stayed in New England? He went to HS in Arizona and won a World Series there. Wouldn’t he be happier out there with Arpaio and Brewer?

The visual representation of pathetic. You choose whether it’s Schilling or the rally.

Curse you for making me IMDB that movie. All I did was insult your lineage, you unleashed that hell in response. I’d be impressed with the disproportionate response if it weren’t so excruciating.

If In-N-Out didn’t want Trump to take lemonade, someone should have stopped him.

Which shift was Tiffany working?

So it bros

“Now Eric, don’t leave your urine anywhere. Some young lady, possibly even a Latino Hispanic, could come along and splash it on her pussy, get pregnant. That’s why they’re called ‘golddiggers’. Everybody knows this.”

And sodas are where a food business makes their money, too. Since the Trumps are business geniuses, this asshole would surely know that. So it’s doubly insulting because not only is he a rich person stealing something that represents nothing to him, but he’s stealing a product that a business relies on heavily to turn

So it goes.