
Yeah, what sort of pussy has a problem with violent hate speech? Someone being nervous about a demagogue stirring up a racist lynch mob is just unsure in their “lynching minorities is bad” ideology, clearly!

Or they’re being actively threatened by those “opposing viewpoints.” Bigotry is not harmless. Bigotry is not harmless. Bigotry is NOT harmless.

Or you share their racist and misogynist attitudes. There’s that.

Ho-hum, the Deep South voting against their own self interest. What’s new?

I’m not sure how it brings money though. They already had the jerseys out. The AFL isn’t a big revenue event that they control. Tickets are $8, games are sparsely attended and there isn’t much coverage. It is in AZ where your aren’t going to pull in the nostalgic Gator fans and all it will do is expose him.

“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

This has nothing to do with the article, but I just felt the need to say this:

“Okay, so how do we trade for Journalism?”

Damn. I heard there was a meth problem in the States but I hadn’t seen it first hand until now.

Spoken like a true American.

Approximately 380k (misguided but normal) people voted for Ford BEFORE his drug use came to light. After it came out, his political career (and he actually HAD a political career before he was elected Mayor) was OVER.

Fortunately, their comments only translate to 75% of any value.

Look, I love Canada. They’re awesome. That being said, it’s not like they don’t have electoral issues from time to time.

Talking out his ass is true because that’s what he’s doing. He can read all the transcripts for any interview ever about topics related to Kaep’s protests. And he still won’t “get it.”

Reading the transcripts does not negate the fact that King is an old white dude talking out of his ass about shit he doesn’t understand.

Did you literally skip past the very next sentence where he claimed to have read “passion” from a transcript?

“I don’t begrudge Kaepernick for being politically active, and I didn’t see his post-game presser.

Everyone’s stupid except people who agree with you. Got it.

How critically do you have to think to realise Trump is probably the worst candidate who has ever run for president with the backing of a major party? There isnt really an excuse at this point...

Everyone’s stupid except people who agree with you. Got it.