
I forgot. Does consent matter? At least Slick Willie’s women were into it. The Donzi Scheme creeps up from behind and grabs it without warning. I also forgot, did this fucking moron admit to all this shit before the truth came out? It usually works the other way around. The perp waits for a preponderance of evidence

Fredette has bounced around the NBA because nobody actually needs a shoot-first point guard with suspect defense. He may be a pro, but he’s as marginal of one as they come. And yes, he has a legion of LDS fanatics, which the Kings actually incorporated into their decision to draft him. (There are hella Mormons in

.182?! He should take notes from the Romans. Now there is a group who knew how to hit the wood and bring home some bodies.

Not fair. His religious beliefs prevent him from to getting to third. Much less home.

I’m talking about planes, because really who wants to talk about Trump. We know he’s an awful person, and it’s depressing how many people still want to vote for him, so why not have planes?

Ooooooo planes! Wait, what were we talking about?

Hmm, yeah, unless they’ve secretly hired AJ, I’m guessing the Grey Lady is pretty safe there.

Looks like the panel picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

But hey, if all these Pro Bowlers of yore down in Miami are looking for an unlicensed financial manager who can totally relate to what they’re going through, I know a guy.

I fear that even we liberals are missing an important point here.

I passed your concern to Wonka, this was his response:

“Immigrants are crucial to the cyber. We need to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare. It is a huge problem. I have an immigrant worker—he’s 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers. It’s unbelievable. The security aspect of

With Willy Wonka’s tendency to exclusively employ immigrants in his factory? This should be interesting.

It’s like their balls are the same as their serving size

It’s a slow clap because of his war injuries, don’t be insensitive.

OMG I’m dying. Super diverse, all colors of the rainbow and LBTQ invited, and nerds to bring up the IQ level. As a gay lady I approve!

Pepsi Clear.

Trump washing down tainted Tylenol with a Pepsi Free?

Might be time to try Life Savers, buddy.

Does the NRA advocate that women carry guns to defend themselves from sexual predators whom they endorse for President?

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.