
If we’re still counting Putin among the Trump supporters, then mass movement of Poles may be just what he’s looking for.

Oh man, I love the process story just as much as I love the actual story. Something is...fishy...in NBC’s timeline.

Might as well give him the Pullitzer already. He might have singlehandedly saved the republic.

Look what happens when a reporter decides to do good old fashioned gumshoe reporting instead of chasing the horse race of politics. I hope Mr. Farenthold gets all the awards and a hefty pay raise.

“That deafening shrieking siren you hear? Oh that’s my Everything’s Fine alarm. It keeps going off as long as everything is just fine. It’s the best, the classiest alarm. Everything is just terrific. If it stopped going off you’d know something was wrong but it’s been going off nonstop for months now. People just

Billy Bush sounds like (checks Wikipedia) The 44 Year Old Virgin.

Man your conservative businessmen friends from 1998 will love this joke!!!!

And quite frankly, Mike has said a lot of things about the Bolivians. Fade to Bolivian, he said, which I heard about from a number of people. I thought it was a tremendous shame the way the media went after him for that, because the truth is that this is the situation with Bolivia right now. I had some investors from

Only everything.

if you try hard and believe in yourself anything is possible

Thith article ith prithleth!

Thanks Ashley, now whenever we talk about Trump in politics I will just think about how we were this close to Mike Tyson solving this problem for us in the 80s.

The suit failed, and TrumpNation thankfully remains in print

It’s terrifying that if this man had just a CURSORY sense of self-awareness he’d probably be elected president. Don’t even stop lying or talking about the wall or NATO or outsourcing or crooked Hillary. Just avoid half the irrelevant self-indulgent impulsive own-foot-shooting fuck-ups. Talk about how awesome you are

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

Wait - I am a little confused here. And it is likely because I’m a *damned foreigner*, but bear with me because I’m also a prideful bitch (who likes to think she’s ‘home with the downies’ as Bernard Black would say), and I have been following this election cycle pretty closely, since it started back in 1173 and

All your base are belong to us.

No, they hate poor people who don’t pay taxes or otherwise benefit from the govt. Rich people who don’t pay taxes is their aspiration...it’s gonna be them someday!

Crap I don’t get this and want to

Nothing in this country makes sense anymore. Even our metaphors are literal.