
Wait, you mean it has nothing to do with the INEXPLICABLE FACT that NBC hasn’t figured out a way to show us the names or even the nationalities of the swimmers at times other than immediately at the start, and after its over???

We’re not Florida but we’ll be there soon.

Sure cost is a concern, especially since he’s running the biggest graft in the history of American politics but in this case he’s doing it because no network is going to cut away to a PowerPoint presentation while he’s talking. Logistically it’s so much simpler just to print them out and hold them up, that way we get

This is easy, but where is the All of the Above button??

Right wing nuts, cue the Mary slut/nut shaming countdown in 3,2,1...


I’ve skydived out of Punta Gorda. PG is a shithole of old, scared whiteys worried about the imp3nding Dark Cloud coming down from Tampa/Sarasota and up from Fort Myers. Fox News addicts all of them. Put em all in a room with live ammo and their unbridled glee about living out their wildest Dirty Harry fantasies in the

Yes this. This. This. This.

“Well damn, this was the news we were looking for 2 weeks ago.”

I sincerely hope and trust that this site will remain a place online where the commentors actually care about communication and content. Say what you will about GM, but they did much more good than harm. If you can name another website conglomerate on earth where the comments are as, if not more, informative than the

He and I shared an airport waiting room after a game in Toronto once and I had ironically been to the game he started the night before. The series was still ongoing but he was heased back to Boston. I walked over to him and said “Tough loss last night.” He said “Oh yeah, why is that?” I was 20 and taken aback, so I

He looks like Dan LeBatard after a 4 week juice cleanse.

“Grupo Antibomba”? I know there are a lot of Ritchie Valens haters out there but had no idea it was so organized.

4'9"? You need your pinkeyes examined mate. He’s 4'11".

.....Cowboys immediately franchise tag him.....photos at 11.....

It’s “insane to say” “Premiere League champions"?

The puke and pinch, technically.


I think Curt needs a Mashpee upside the head., daily.

Haaaa! Just spit out my breakfast Merlot! Genius☣