
Is Telling Someone to Commit Suicide a Crime?

which U.S state are you presently living in

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The way I would like to see it end. SELF HUMILIATION

Are extra terrestrials born on U.S citizens ? 

They are waiting for a notice on Twitter.

Tutta la famiglia è stata indagata. Vito Corleone

Because he can control him the attorney like a puppet.

He is going to need the left over funds for his imaginary re election.

The monkey is trying to flush the venom from the snake biting him in the

#2 because he got bit by  the snake.

Will they all earn the tittle “Dip $#its”.

Did he think that the voters were going to be subservient and fallow him like his servants i.e attorneys and his whole clan of morons.

Do cops notify one whe they are coming to to arrest you.

I agree. Idiotic clustefluck of a administration, down the creek without a paddle.