
He needs to be feed to the lions along with his parents.

Donald will save us from Armagedon.

City of Los Angeles on a clear windy day today mainly in the winter months

I wonder if he has a boner for the EPA and Environmental laws because the have denied him very lucrative projects in the past.

You may want to call it a extended vacation , if you should choose to go back after he get the boot! hopefully

  You can’t tap this line

Is Donald hiding his assets in case TSHTF ..............................................................Trump and Kushner have faced criticism for failing to disclose aspects of their wealth. In May, it was reported Trump’s son-in-law-turned-top-adviser failed to disclose ownership of a real estate startup with

 this is how musolini and his wife and his followers meet their faith

Will we see more fireworks over the SWAMP in DC before the INDEPENDENCE DAY

Is son in law Jared going to be the sacrificial lamb for this whole affair. Is this just a distraction. thought Donald fired Comey to get a handle on the FBI investigations. There are other agencies that have come out and said that they were also asked to back off into any possible INQUIRIES about Trump and his

Just as I suspected before the trip

If I were a woman I would not want to be out there testing the theory, either in the woods with the bears or in the water with the sharks. Are pheromones not involved in the attraction between men and women.

I made that same argument many years ago, since My seeds have never sprouted any little ones, why are singles responsible forced to pay for public education. May be there should be an incentive to divert those tax funds into retirement and delay and reduce the population since we seem to be a society driven by money

Is that not part of her duties to oversee one of her subordiates to see that the laws are enforced.