
My mother and father attended different churches. Marring some one of another faith does not change your inner beleifs unless your name is Ivanka Trump. When was the last time The Trups went to church

Having or carring your husband name does not make you a Muslim.

No where in the blog does it suggest her husband is a Muslin, how can you be a Episcopalian church Priest and be a Muslim>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Abdus-Salaam’s husband, Episcopal priest Rev. Canon Gregory Jacobs, has rejected the suggestion that his wife ended her own life

whom precedes, proseeds, whom, long tailed comma’s or cummings

Senility brings on confusion among many other conditions.

I find it hard to believe that it was an accidental /mistake of POLITICO receiving those e-mails. When you start insulting, degrading and sexually harassing co-workers you will make many enemies. It was a matter of time the bigger they are the harder they fall. Has O’Reilly ever done any thing in life other than

What is the connection between Trump and tthe Prince family Betsy And her brother Erick.

Who is he tying to hide his girl friends. Russians spies and his conflict of interest. When is he going to realize he volunteered to be a public servant.

putins mole and illegitimate child

Was it really necessary for Bruce to become Caitlyn to become the golddigger, like most of the Kardashians. he should have gone all the way with the name KAITLYN !

What exactly are you expecting from a a man that flip flops on just about every issue and shows signs of dementia, why do think his son in law is watching over him. the man can not make a coherent statement on his own.

my last reply got stricken from the record : I agree with the secular form as in temporal , nothing lasts for ever

Deterrence does not work when is used as threat, that is the reason American society is what it is today. From habitual wife abusers AKA domestic violence, drunk drivers, child molesters to many others. Reduced and suspended sentences with community service, (todays norm) is it just like threatening a child with

No man has the right to take life with out just cause. As outlined in the   bilble. Not hitler with his purification ideas,  to bashar al-assad and putin . There is what is called excommunication, shaming and other means.

Not a JW, not into cults, every thing in life that God created is on my menu    for me,  nuts, shellfish, pig, etc.  God created the world He sent Jesus as a messenger for the non believers.

You bleeding hearts, he confessed, he was tried, and want’s the death penalty applied to himself. The only ones laughing are the pro life attorneys defending those that violate others human rights to life and cause misery and mayhem to society by doing evil. I hope you or your family are never the victims of a

You bleeding hearts, he confessed, he was tried, and want’s the death penalty applied to himself. The only ones laughing are the pro life attorneys defending those that cause misery and mayhem by doing evil. I hope you or your family are never the victims of a evil or career criminal. I do belive that every death case

Save the taxpayers at least $ over the next 50 years, to keep him from breathing a commodity called oxygen that his victims no longer have a choice of their own. A martyr to whom.