
I don’t really care about the special. I’m not gonna watch a rich man whine about his hateful jokes nor am I gonna argue with people about it. But I do wish that come next June, Netflix won’t paint its logo as a rainbow or do whatever virtue signaling they’ll do for pride.

The point being that malvertising is a thing and you should limit the IPs that have access to your browser. The extra digs at Gawker and slideshows were just gravy.

Are unions good?

I guess all the extra BILLIONS for stuff funding other “infrastructure” like illegals is so they can actually do the work for the real infrastructure! See it is all how you look at it!

Stacy Abrams looked at the crash site and still hasn’t conceded that the bed was up.

Like Prime day, this article is about 15-20% off and I wish I hadn’t clicked on it.

According to the emails released by the not-so-great infectious disease expert Fauci (his decisions are funny to us in Europe)

The one time an article almost begs to be a slideshow, it’s not a slideshow...

You can include an ad between every description but not a single photo?

Indeed, it is unclear. But that won’t stop Clickbat News Network from making a story before they know all the facts.

ehhh, EV’s a really supposed to be the future of consumer vehicles. If *any* amount of early adopters are going back, that seems newsworthy.


The nations more recently becoming “developed” don’t have to follow the path of those that only had the technology of yester-year to work with.

The entirety of this list is based two assumptions

I’d imagine these are big in construction, manufacturing, welding, and many other circles like that. My dad was a construction foreman and his company provided similar phones to important people on job sites.

AZ, NV, and large geographic parts of CO and UT need to have the people moved out...

Ok, someone list the black, asian and mexican stereotypes next.  This looks like fun!

Except this is BS. What the data shows is residential areas in flood plains are by and large cheaper to buy into. Poor people aren’t more likely to impacted by floods, more like poor can only afford to live in areas that are more likely to be impacted by floods. When you further push that out by indicating racial

Ill be that guy. If you’re typing in English, what’s the point if Latinx? Yes it makes sense if youre talking or writing in Spanish but the English word for Latino/a/x already has no sex. It’s Latin. Latin-american if you like. It’s not like you call italian-americans “italiano-americans”?

What’s up with the flood of Buzzfeed-esque headlines lately? It’s really bad.