Null Error

did those people from the Everest expedition not test their gear beforehand? I don’t go on cycling tours with untested stuff and I would say that Everest is a couple of notches higher on the badass-scale...

California would be great if it weren't for Californians.

And who says the Boston area is hard to navigate?

That's definitly a lot of interesting comment!

I, for one, support the Cruz missile.

I can't believe they left off black raspberries. Totally distinct from raspberries and blackberries, very different flavor, and in my opinion superior to both. I don't think it's an actual hybrid... at the very least if it is a hybrid I'm pretty sure it's natural and not man-made, because I see them wild everywhere.

There's also a guy who has squeezed my but and my boobs in a "joking" way...

The best thing you can do to survive an avalanche? Learn terrain management. Learn to recognize what terrain is safe to travel on and what terrain is not. Avoiding an avalanche is the only way I can promise you wont die in an avalanche.

Call after initial search attempt, unless you are inbounds and have a direct number for patrol dispatch and have a very accurate description of your location (and known by a lot of the patrol member/dispatcher, so they know if they should be keeping you on the line to clarify anything, or if you know your shit).

The company has secured funding, but have they secured the proper permits and approvals? This wouldn't be the first off shore project to get scuttled by a pissed off select few.

With the lack of breathability, you'd easily break a sweat, it'd have nowhere to go and, once night fell, the lack of insulation would make that sweat-filled suit awful cold and you'd likely freeze to death. And man, that'd be an odd police report.

Prana zion pants are half the price of those lululemon pants. They are bomber and look good whether you're on trail or off. Plus they are well reviewed everywhere.

I am the only person in the world that doesn't do enough repetitive stuff to find any of this useful?

is this useful advice or a commercial for merino wool? tough to tell...

when it started, I was like, wtf is this? but as it continued to play, i was like, holy shit this is fucking amazeballs

Spoilers: you use an alcohol swab from your first aid kit and then use the patch kit included with your mattress. *

*Source: Experience

Glad to see the Z-Lite on there. I've had mine for 20 years and it's still going. It may not pack down smaller than the inflatables but nothing packs down faster. Bonus is you can fold it up partially and use it as a seat or kneeling pad.