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Huge Future Islands fans here, glad to see that they are finally starting to get the attention they deserve. That being said I am also very glad that I had the opportunity to see them live when they were unknown and playing small intimate venues . The lead singer (Samuel T. Herring) has an incredible stage presence

Very fair point. Most cops where I am from (Maine) seem to know their shit pretty well (the ones I've met anyways, never had a run in that involved my edc knife in any way though), and in Maine everyone carries knives around with them.

That guy just sounds like an asshole.

Because it's harder to realize that there are no windows phone apps this way.

Weird, mine is tied to my Google Voice Number as a backup from the authenticator app (just checked, definitely is)

My first thought too. My guess was maybe when they split off from the Luisiana territory there was land as part of the state/territory that stretched up north to grizzly country... turns out that's probably right. As Illustrated from this lovely map.

Both are in the flag too.

Ehhh... feels like a copout to me.

These are awesome.

Nexus 7 deal is sold out. Staples is out of stock now.

I understand where you're coming from with saying to stay away from assisted opening mechanisms, but I don't think they are quite as bad as you're making them out to be. I carry a Kershaw Scallion and love the assisted opening. It doesn't open any faster then a well designed thumb stud/hole etc without assist, but now

The email will probably go to their "other" inbox on facebook, so they may not see it initially.

This jump features none of the things that have ever made me envious of base jumping. Mainly: Awesome views, hiking to a really cool place, and, most importantly, getting down the mountain faster.

I've carried a Kershaw Scallion pretty much everyday for the past 3+ years.

Good to hear!

The building has to be at least... three times bigger than this!

That geological explanation seems a bit to convenient to me...

Very cool, that's an impressive amount of stuff to fit in a side pocket. I'm hoping to stop by their factory for a tour next time I make it back home to Maine.

Awesome! An UltaMid is a bit far out of my current price range unfortunately, but I have seriously been considering getting one of the southwest packs for my next bag. Quick question about that bag actually, on the outside pockets how much stretch/loose fabric is there to stuff things in? A buddy and I were discussing

Interesting, that SP2 looks a lot like what I'm looking for, I'll have to do some more research. I've looked at quilts before, I spend a lot of time hammock camping when I'm doing Solo trips, or leading a large group, and I've heard that quilts can be nice for that if you also have an under quilt. I'll be looking