
The sterilization was just the end step in the program starting in her childhood that created her to be an assassin, so yes, her monsterness was pretty much forced on her. It wasn’t “Oh I can’t have kids, I’m gonna go murder some folks”, it was a coldly deliberate step to ensure she had nothing in her life other than


This is terrible.

Rep. Rob Taylor (R) attended, but turned his back during the blessing. This, he believes, is what Jesus would have done. “Jesus would be in the chamber, from my perspective. He would passively protest,” he told reporters.

Same story, different party. I was in college at a friend’s engagement party, slow dancing with a good friend who I intermittently slept with and had a tiny, silent but DREADFUL, eye-watering fart slip out. I knew it was gonna be deadly but thought I could “dance” us a few feet away to avoid the worst of it.


Just today a contractor called to talk about insurance. He told me I sounded like I could be his daughter. Then he said “Just pretend I’m your daddy.”

I never knew how desperately I needed to see a dog try to catch a taco, but now that I have, I'm just so satisfied.

She'll get no sympathy from her roommate, the tiny violin player.

This is charming, clever and demonstrates an innovative and practical approach to network data. No surprise he's at MIT instead of Harvard! ;)

This seems apt:

Reminds me of a Ron Swanson quote from just a few weeks ago: "Say what you will about organized religion; those bastards know how to construct an edifice."

Right here: Fresh Sugar lip balm. Moisturizing, smooth, SPF 15 and comes in several colours (including clear). Free of parabens, sulfates and phthalates. Screw-on cap keeps it from opening in your pocket/bag.

Right here: Fresh Sugar lip balm. Moisturizing, smooth, SPF 15 and comes in several colours (including clear). Free

Just saw St. Vincent perform this weekend. She slayed the guitar. Literally, in one case: ripped out the strings.

Encourage any part that's showing proclivity to curling with finger curling those sections and drying them like such (use the dryer on the part you're twisting and keep it in a twirl until it's dry). Setting the curls once dry seems like it might help too, so a hairspray with some hold could be worth a try! I never

I did have love letters. Lots of them. At some point I imposed some organization- one manila envelope for each major relationship. Shortly after I married, at age 31, I decided that I wouldn't want my future child to find these letters after my future death, so I disposed of them. I plunked them right in the