
Fish reheated in the microwave at work.

My feelings:

My friends took me to a drag show then we did karaoke while they got me unspeakably drunk. We finished an enormous bottle of gin. It was fantastic.

This needs to go to Shade Court, because that isn't throwing shade. That's just ribbing/teasing from a sibling.

My mother. Who took the opportunity during her toast to give my bride my bronzed baby shoes, saying "This is all I have left to give to you of my Gregory. The rest you've already taken for yourself"

This plant could leak that amount of radioactive material for the next decade, and the annual output of radioactive materials from coal plants will still make that "leak" look tiny. You want to shut plants down due to radioactive pollution? Try the dirt burners.

"...this time she closed the card with: 'From the woman who loved you first.'"

I think we know exactly what happened at Finnow - the same thing that happened in that movie theater. Would explain why Stark slugged a general and canceled all his military contracts.

I didn't hear the gasp as it happened, but when I heard about it later I was amused. The only direction I felt like running was toward her, not away!

Went the other way around for me. I'm in software and imposter syndrome comes pretty natural. I proposed in a dead panic about whether I could be a good enough husband for her, and it only grew as the wedding got closer until *poof*: full-blown panic attacks a few months before the wedding.


What offends me is the anti-vax people are apparently saying they would rather their children be dead than get autism. That's a very hateful message.


"When you refer to a woman as a female, you're ignoring the fact that she is a female human," write Nigatu and Clayton, pointing out the connotation that follows: "It reduces a woman to her reproductive parts and abilities."

Is that a No More Wife Beater?

yep, why would a person ever need a travel size anything when you can simply fill your bag with samples of primer, eye primer, moisturizer, eye cream, toner, etc.

Wow, an insecure little nitwit questioning the sexuality and gender of a popular successful athlete because he just can't get his head around the fact, that a girl can do what he can't. Have you been beaten badly in a pickup game by a woman? Poor little troll.

I've got this awesome hippie Wiccan facebook friend, and she posted a link to an article about vaginal steaming the other day, and no lie, Facebook's top "suggested link" underneath my friend's post was a link to a recipe for steamed clams.

I fucking lost it at A. A. Ron Rodgers. At least he's enjoying his off-season.