
I’m sure the name “Aft Island” has never been the butt of a joke before.

I don’t have a good Christmas party story.

That’s cool, and my parents do too. But I’m guessing the Venn diagram of people who have plug-in cars and people with houses that get 100% of their energy from solar is tiny.

Yeah, so the steam turbines producing electricity for the grid also provided power for the pumps needed to cool the reactor. The goal of the test was to show that if the plant stopped producing steam for some reason, the turbines would keep spinning long enough to power the pumps until backup generators could be


Your description of xenon reactivity effects is accurate, but your conclusions are not correct.

Right! We lack a really good understanding of how low doses of radiation (the background levels we get everyday, and the small occupational doses that some of us get) impact us. Most regulations end up being developed by extrapolating the cancer rates after high radiation doses, like those suffered by bomb survivors,

You call yourself a lifesaver. I call you Pimple Popper, M.D.!

Good advice, but it doesn’t stop there. Use this system as a tool to figure out who you’re inviting, invite those people, and be done.

That was shady of Landon.

Love that her nails are Junior Girl Scout green.

One collarbone juts way the hell out because I separated my shoulder in high school. Does this make me super hot? Or only hot on that side?

On average, 40% of us will develop cancer in our lifetimes, and about 20% will die of it.

Have you thought about a sample? I ended up shopping at a store that specialized in sample gowns (VOWS, but is their online presence) and got a ~$5000 dress for $1300. It had a single popped (but not frayed) seam, and a couple of missing crystals. I managed the repairs for a couple of bucks and you


Our college marching band frequently performed with guest musicians. Kenny Rogers was one such musician.

And now, from our other favorite Peggy:

This was a most excellent week. I proved myself in my new job and felt pretty much like this:

I get furious about women being treated like crap for not wanting kids or not being able to have them. I have gotten that from family, and from friends, and in the workplace.

Oh, I see it too.