
Decorating. The walls in most of the homes and offices I have had have been bare. I always put up the Christmas tree at the last possible second. On Easter I shoved some flowers half-assedly into a vase five minutes before company came over, and when asked, said, “Whatever. My Ph.D. wasn’t in floral design.”

I'm less sure about this. I do know that Kelley is described as complaining that he was "burning up", but it's not clear whether he was referring to his skin burns or something deeper.

Radiation affects cells in a few ways. First, the radiation can deposit enough energy to physically damage the structures that enable the cells to function, or can damage the DNA that allows it to reproduce. These are problematic because they cause cells to die, or to be unable to reproduce and replace themselves when

College marching band. We both played the tuba and bonded over shared loves of Monty Python and swing dance. Together for 11 years, married for five.

I loved my Glossybox this month too. The olive eyeliner was nice with my hazel eyes, and this was my first intro to OCC lipgloss. Now I understand why you're obsessed. Mine was a hot pink and I'm looking for excuses to wear it.

I'm partial to Flor de Cana, which is pretty inexpensive and delicious, IMO.

I was at my senior homecoming, looking hot and dancing my ass off, or so I thought.

I wanted to treat our guests to an evening that felt luxurious, but without a huge pricetag.

Packed Christmas Eve service. I was home from my first semester at college. The day before we’d gone to Outback, where I had a badly undercooked steak that I’d sent back twice (Get fucked, Outback. Who only cooks a steak on one side?) before finally giving up.

I have a recent soft-sexism story with a happy ending!

There are at least a dozen of these on my floor right now.

RBG invented RBF.

Water, on every surface surrounding the bathroom sink, anytime he washes his hands or shaves. Not a few drops, a nearly unbroken sheet of water. I don't understand how. The soap dish probably has half a centimeter of standing water in it, with the soap just sitting there disintegrating into it, right now.

I can't help, but I'm an alum who's very interested in seeing how this plays out. This has smelled fishy for a while, and I've never had much trust in Nike to boot. Back when we had an Adidas contract, we had a funny habit of having our recruits decommit and head for Nike schools at the drop of a hat.

I was growing enormous, surely twice as tall as my next-tallest schoolmate. Among the tiny precise girls of ballet, I was a swaying colossus of flat white child.

I'm a big fan of putting my contacts in before hitting the shower.

Cool, thanks!

I'm ashamed that I've made it to adulthood without figuring out my hair.

It's no fun if the cow tips itself.

Cool post, but I'm not a fan of the title. Radiation is everywhere, all the time, and most of it never impacts our health. Most of us have Am-241 in our homes, inside our smoke detectors. We get no noticeable dose from it because alpha emitters like the ones you've named aren't dangerous unless inhaled or ingested.