Nuked by Trump

Nice to see that Trump supporters are fucking dolts regardless of ethnicity.

Nah. It’s just a dog-whistle to his upper-middle-class base of white folks (I’m white, I get to say this, so nyah) to reinforce the idea that poors = darker folks and they’re pulling a scam on us pure-as-the-driven-snow upstanding citizens.

Does Jason Chaffetz, world-famous coward and shit-eating gopher, really thinks that insurance and a phone plan cost the same amount? Or have Republicans really just stopped even trying to hide their fuck the pooragenda?

Troll, go eat some fucking worms. I am not remotely interested in your cries for the future klansman. Nobody’s talking about legal anything.

Really? Because it looks like the white kid got away with harassing a classmate and wasn’t punished for that. Seems like a win to me; a win for white supremacy that is.

Superstition is the realm of the stupid and ignorant. I blame a lack of education.

Superstition is the realm of the stupid and ignorant. I blame a lack of education.

Damn, repubs are some hypocritical bitches

You and us all...

I swear I wake up every morning waiting for the final domino to fall in this atrocious presidency. Then I call my senators (who don’t answer of course) sign 25 petitions that feel totally futile, and refresh my web pages incessantly until it’s time to drink myself into a stupor, fall asleep and do it all again the

Cool! And thanks to you unmotivated/anti-Clinton protest voter fuckheads, this is all on you! =)

I can’t figure out if he’s totally oblivious to his administration swirling the drain, or if he realizes he’s in some serious trouble?

he never sleeps

Yeah, but her her emails, tho...wait,wut?

Lock them ALL up!!

bet his password was 12345

Lock him up!

You should call the cops, report your hurt fee-fees and wait for them to come give you a hug.


oh look, a completely worn out comment complaining about gizmodo editorial. water must be wet.