
“but we can’t meet our sales goals until you fix the diesels for the EPA”

Neutral: What Penalties Should VW Really Face?

Asked and answered.

I am still mad that the jumpsuit/everyone on the planet wearing the same thing future hasn’t happened yet.

Trump bankrupted a casino.

Now playing

every street king truck at the first jump

I don’t remotely need full purchase price buyback, I’d be thrilled at the KBB private party value the day before the scandal broke.

It works only if one builds the infrastructure. Build the road, and people will use it until it falls apart.

Oh, shit. This is the most I’ve ever liked Zuckerberg. That third paragraph is quite succinct and effective.

Well obviously, with this new information, the only responsible thing to do is either shut down all media entities or place them under strict government supervision. It’s not like there’s anything in the Constitution that would prevent that.

Thanks FBI for putting encryption on the minds of terrorists everywhere, I hope it was worth it.... I want to remind everyone, they destroyed thier personal cells and left the work cell. Thier legacy will not be the smoking gun ToDo list on that iphone with “Get everyone in my terrorist cell a BDay gift before I get

If the media would just stop informing people about things then everyone could stay ignorant and everything would be much simpler.

What more do you want? If I punch a guy in the face, I’m not apologizing for it. I’m sorry that it caused a disturbance at the restaurant and ruined everyone’s dinner. Not sorry this guy got hit in the face. At the time, that’s what felt right.

Dammit! You had to go and mention Project Apollo Archive! There goes my free time for today....

Meanwhile, the owner of is still giving a hilarious fuck you to

No one’s going to allow you to break a contract just over an allegation. I fully believe Kesha’s claim, but until she wins the sexual assault case in court, a judge isn’t going to let her out of a contract because of it - especially when the defendant has offered a reasonable accommodation (she doesn’t have to work

If it means you can get your teenager to go outside, it is totally worth it.

Also something that they don’t need Apple to do — pretty much any competent EE or EE tech can do that. If you’re worried about destroying the hardware, buying 5 or 6 phones to test the process and practice on is chump change.

Like most software problems, there is a lower level hardware solution to avoid the problem entirely. What Apple needs to do here is take that phone from the FBI and physically de-solder the flash memory and return it to the FBI. If needed, they could mount that flash memory back on a totally unlocked device. At this

Thank you so much! I thought I was the only one! How does lame humor + bad action = great movie?!? Its not an “R” rated movie, its got the soul of a PG-13 movie. Its edgy in the safe and lazy ways. Mixing swears into your word salad does not make it funny or shocking. Its like being in a long car ride with someone who