
It’s just an excuse. If VW didn’t tolerate failure then why do their cars have major reliability issues?

Go try to trade in or sell a TDI. Then you’ll understand our frustration. We paid a premium for a vehicle that was known to have high resale value. Now it is the exact opposite.

How about something ridiculously classic like a Model T or something? Would that be too expensive? It surely wouldn’t depreciate.

and where the hell is my bribe money check. No, it doesn’t matter that it’s only been 3.5 weeks and they said 4-6 weeks. Rabble rabble.

I’m not knocking this review at all, but my advice – if you have a decent-sized viewing space – is this:

A 10 year bumper to bumper warranty on its own products could very well bankrupt Volkswagen.

The dreams of not going to a class the entire semester and then having to take a final never stop. I’m 15 years out and still get them regularly. It’s usually an English class. Since I have degrees in both computer science and mechanical engineering, I placed little value on the required English classes, that I often

You may be interested in the case of Sony Computer Entertainment America v. George Hotz - "a lawsuit in the United States by Sony Computer Entertainment of America against George Hotz and associates of the group fail0verflow for jailbreaking and reverse engineering the PlayStation 3." It included a claim that they had

It's a government thing. They're not very good at Intertube stuff.

Yep, any time I want 4 aerial angles of the same location I use this Bing feature, otherwise its Google as my go-to site.

Because it makes a more "link bait" article to lead by talking about fragmentation by referring to the "nightmare" of the app dev needing to test on 18,769 distinct devices, rather than 134 distinct manufacturer's devices, or 7 distinct Major OS and in turn API versions. Plus, you've never lived until you've dealt

What is it they think they are accomplishing?

Another great example is Denver airport... that tells you "go to hell"

They don't. It's clickbait.

Now playing

Can't believe this wasn't already posted. Star Trek VI: Captain Kirk and Captain Sulu team up. "Target that explosion... and fire!"

I live in the north and I think its pretty hard to get write tbh.

Due to the sheer number of Delta Air Lines flights at Atlanta, they say DIXIE for D to avoid confusion. "Delta" is even avoided by the train that moves passengers between concourses; it says "Concourse D, as in David"

Here's a PDF of ATL.