
Can confirm regarding the Audi buying experience. My wife drives an S3, and the dealer is great. Free coffee/drinks/snacks, clean place, great service department (which is open until like 9pm), and they were willing to deal on the sale and our trade. No issues sitting in/test driving anything, either.

I always referred to it as a driver’s body language (as in the body of their car).

Are you a Saudi oil baron?

I mean, I don’t think anyone doubted they’re shipping at this point. I see them driving around town now and then.

In isolation its actually a miracle of technology.

There was a guy that worked at the place my wife works... he went 10 years making the same hourly wage. Professional consulting company, and he was in a highly skilled type position. TEN YEARS!

Mandating PV on a home build seems very similar to mandating a certain R-value of insulation. They are just legislating energy efficiency in another way. Energy codes have been a thing for quite a while.

That thing was terrifying, and totally believable. Black Mirror does a great job at those types of scenarios.

Good point on taking it too far (I’ll admit I haven’t seen an ATS in person). And it’s true the proportions of the BMW are good looking at it from the outside; I think they could do better with the room they have to make it a bit more useful. My wife’s car (S3) is smaller than a 3-series and the back seats are fine.

They are probably following BMW’s lead on the back seats. I mean, I had an F10 5-series and even that car had pretty limited rear legroom.

The irony is not lost here on the fact this internal memo has been leaked.

The old Saabs also had the engine mounted backwards, with the clutch sitting up by the radiator and all the belts conveniently impossible to reach, up against the firewall.

The problem is Uber views the driver as a stopgap measure until driverless vehicles are available. Whatever that driver is paid in the meantime is eating into Uber’s profit margin until such time as they can cut them completely out of the supply chain.

The answer to that question (what’s the Apple computer for everyone?) used to easily be the plastic MacBook and the iBook before that, but the lineup is getting quite bloated these days. Even on the desktop side, they are a little hedgy with the imac pro coming out and still offering the old trashcan mac pro.

This was them on day 2 of being together:

One of ours we found under a truck covered in ticks and getting eaten alive by fire ants. Bit of a scare early on with some kind of tick borne illness (he almost died, actually), but the gamble paid off and he is as sweet and kind as can be, if a bit of a doofus (but isn’t that part of the charm?).

Soft of OT but just to add to the Amazon return policy arc. We regularly buy dog food on Amazon, and one case had a damaged can (we are talking one can out of a 24-pack). I requested a replacement and clearly stated I only wanted one can, they overnighted a whole case the next day with explicit instructions not to

I’m not sure how you get to fully reusable with max payload.

Yeah, but between the regular Raptor and this Ranger, the latter is more practical, so I’m still hoping we get one in the US. If a few Raptor customers opt for this Ranger instead of the full-size Raptor you’re still moving in the right direction.

They are somewhat evoking the iphone 4 design with the X, since it has glass front and back mounted to a stainless steel frame. The only problem is out of the box they feel like holding a bar of soap, so you pretty much have to put a case on it. The iPhone 4 wasn’t as bad in that regard and I had one for years with no