
He’s a gentleman, an Eton Grad, and a romantic (in our minds.)

The old Bamburger’s.

+ 1 for keeping it real on a Thursday afternoon

I think you missed my point; Those things absolutely still happen. That aside, I’m saying that Kendall’s “success” was not hard won and every women in that photo fought for her career and worked really hard. While I’m sure Kendall works hard, she’s not on the same level because she doesn’t have the portfolio or

+ 1 for a Thursday funny!

I thought this was in pre-production with Sophia Vergara playing Blanco? She was allegedly willing to put on weight and pull a “Monster” to get an Oscar....

And I hope they don’t gloss over the JFK, Jr. kidnapping plot or Charles Cosby’s role in preventing it...What an interesting story.

Buying a career is totally different living with 10 girls in a “model apartment,” being rejected from casting after casting, having to sit in cattle calls while trying to avoid being groped by gross photographers and PA’s. (Not to mention all the money you owe your agency when you finally land a booking.) Great for

Chile Please! I’m pretty sure Linda E. doesn’t even know this is happening. She’s probably somewhere bathing in Yak Milk and thinking of which Billionaire she’ll allow to take her to Biarritz this weekend...

So does is this Anna Wintour’s swan song? Did she decide to run American Vogue into the ground before leaving? Is this all calculated so the new EIC would have YEARS of rebuilding to do?

It started as a form of conflict resolution; When you have to look someone in the eye and engage in direct combat, it’s “less easy” to kill them (or so I was told.) You get your aggression out, shake hands, then walk away.

Doesn’t seem to have helped (no judgment. I really do hope she gets it together because BPD and kids don’t mix.)

BPD coupled with a deep self-loathing and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Jason seemed like a decent guy (but secretly I think he may have been a confirmed bachelor that had a kid to help his parents get over the grief of losing his brother) and there was no reason to treat his parents as poorly as she did. I truly

For the 4th Grader in us all! (Seriously, sometimes life gets tough and a return to the snacks of yester-year are all we need. Now pass the Swiss Rolls! Even the late Prince loved Dunkaroos...

It was a different time; There were people (long passed) in our family who got married during the Depression at 13 so they could move to a neighbor’s land for sharecropping. The idea of marriage being solely for love is kind of a new one...And even now we know people get married to continue the family line, build

Humble brag?

Things that make you go “Hmmm.”

I usually don’t respond to trolls on months’ old threads, but I think you need an eHug...

That’s great for you! I hope you never have to deal with that, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to others. Be well!

And yes, Chloe dated both of them (Duke and Don Black.) Someone really needs to start a tracking rubric to keep an eye on these people once they leave the public eye.)