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Thanks for the phrase; This is just an excuse to post some Friday Old School because we all need a damn break:

It took a lot of guts to write that; Actually, all the (alleged) info is on the Internet so it is what it is. No more secrets.

Yes!!! More people need to know this story!

Thanks for the link; I’m open to facts and it’s good we can make informed decisions, not ones based on emotion. Are you Penn State alumni or a regional fan? Why are you so angry re: the facts of the case and are willing to ignore the pain of the hundreds of alleged victims? It’s your prerogative to believe what you

I use to live in Philadelphia around a TON of Penn State alumni (they’re also in my family.) Let’s just keep it real: The facts of the case are ALL so coincidental, there has to be something else going on. And let’s not forget that The Second Mile was a feeder of poor kids to other Penn State “camps” where adults had

+1 and Shout it from the rooftops: 2) The NCAA should be disbanded and replaced with something that ACTUALLY carries the big stick and enforces the rules as they SHOULD be.

So the theme was “Bleed like a stuck pig” i.e. “Rock Star?”

Yeah, uh, don’t go there. But have a great day anyway!

Well written and I agree with each assessment. With this, please enjoy my favorite T-Rav GIF:

I watched last night! Who is the father of Jennifer Snowdon’s baby!? Why is she so vague about she and Thomas? I Googled and saw the alleged escorting background! I don’t think Landon and Thomas hooked up because he doesn’t have enough money and those IG photos were a ploy to make someone else jealous. There are now

Not yet! I’m waiting until I sit down and really focus on it! T-Rav and Kathryn deserve each other; Cameran is hilarious; Shep really does have great manners; Craig is holding on to Naomi with both hands; Whitney is/was dead on about Kathryn’s motives; Patricia is the glue that holds everyone together. Cooper is wrong

“Then I decided that the best revenge is living well”

Love that show! WASP F*ckery is the BEST F*ckery!

I have a soft spot for her. Her childhood was horrible and as the oldest she basically kept the family together though sheer force of will and SNAP benefits. Her early story is heartbreaking, but she spun sh*t into gold and became a multi-millionaire selling (seemingly questionable) curtains. She’s a tireless advocate

My underwear just melted. (Yes, after all these years.) Thanks for this!

Wait, what!?

This! Scream this from the rooftops; When I was in college in Philadelphia, the local gossip was always about Bennifer at the newly opened Borgota (he at the table games and her at the slots with her mother and grandmother.) At heart, this man wants to drink, gamble, and be a big kid not a suburban dad. I think he

That’s a good point; We were still close when we dated other people and would always think of boundaries as to not make our partners feel weird, but we were not “as” close during romantic relationships. Very good point.

Twelve years ago; Thanks for the kind offer, but I’ll pass.

I’m a straight female who had a male friend in college with whom I was extremely close. We had a great “friendship chemistry” (We met and were instantly friends. We liked the same stuff and he was a hot-head and I’m calm so it balanced things out.) We did almost everything together (went to hardcore shows, protests,