
I like that! I can’t wait for the tabloid covers! (I bet US Weekly will go with “Lord & Taylor” and the British rags will go with “HiddleSwift.”) Seriously, this is the BEST career move in a long time for him. I see Tom Cruise levels of fame!

Perhaps he feels this alleged Swift romance will put him over the top re: International/North American appeal which will help sway Bond producers. (?) His personal life and couplings are his business (I admit I’m a big fan and LOVED “The Night Manager”) and while we may all be looking at this new alleged romance with

No, I got a weird Madeleine Mccann feeling as well when I heard the story. But, I try to be rational and “A Cry in the Dark” is one of my favorite movies so I’ve reserve judgment for now.

I always thought it was a myth:

Thank you!

Those look like demons...Perhaps I’m a big fuddy duddy, but I’m creeped out by this.

Sounds like a theme hamburger circa 1987, but +1 for spirit

This needs more stars


Than perhaps enough sh*t for everyone!?

Thanks for the info/What a relief!

Please, please, PLEASE don’t tell me it was Del Frisco’s! We love that place (Dad was looking forward to going there for Father’s Day) and it would break his heart (he refuses abandon the Sixers. He’s been a fan since 1977.)

Good question, but that leads to discussion of the newest incarnation know as “f*ck boy” or “fuq boy” which I always read as “fugue boy.”

+ 1 for general dumbness, and a whole lot of heart...

Now I’m wistful thinking about what would have happened if Osiris, Big Baby Jesus, Dirt McGirt had lived....

These are the days I wish she and Jeffery lived with me...I’d do all the chores if they promised to cook (Ina) and bring home cool stuff for the house all the time (Jeffery.) I’m a little old to be adopted, but perhaps we can have a Doris Duke-type situation? Who knows, but Ina’s roast chicken recipe is a go-to/It

I was HOPING someone would have posted this already! Sorry the double post/+1 for you! Well done!

Don’t judge, all of his photos come out like that:

In this case, all that ass into that roasting pan? (Juicy and succulent as it is...Someone pass the potatoes and green beans?)

I always think of these type of Government offices being guilded halls of privilege. You’d think each justice would have a full-sized Subzero fridge with tons of snacks and drinks trucked in from all over the country, courtesy of Senators or something. Can we at least get them a Costco container of mini-pretzels or a