
Damn, bro. It ain’t even gotta be like that. But +1 anyway.

Question is, has anyone SEEN those guys? Are we sure this isn’t some Dude-Bro Donner Party sh*t?

It was a bit flippant, but it was a genuine question. As a woman of color who tries to be non-judgmental about other people’s bedroom business, I’ve heard anecdotally from friends whom identify as BDSM sex workers that many powerful white men enjoy the “freedom” of being degraded, etc. Perhaps it’s a symptom of “too

Are we talking about “Venus?” (GW’s alleged mistress)

So basic White man kink?

Excuse me, but he gets it honestly re: “Bench Bully”

Do you think the costumers will do something like this?

Orbach had the kind of voice that was perfect for the role. I think I’m just partial to old-school John Raitt, Ben Gazzara, Jerry Orbach types that could belt or be conversation on stage after years of stock, traveling theater, and Broadway performances. I also like the bit of grizzled, unpolished grit those men

I can’t think of any urbane American actors with a touch of grit (like Jerry Orbach) who could pull it off. I don’t know if McGregor has Orbach’s musical theater chops, but I’ll hold my breath and hope for the best.

The bar is set REALLY high, so they better not blow it:

Yeah, don’t lump people with Downs into the same category as beady-eyed killers and rapists; The commenters above were talking about a specific kind of weirdo who can’t deal with the odd rejection stuff surrounding being “half” a person of color, so they project that self-hatred by abusing people of color (in both

Long story of a nasty hotel room outside of DC...But anyway, if your poor friend is still suffering, try Enzymatic pet soap. It’s safe for humans and smells great. It saved my life/Scabies are truly a scourge and I thought I was going to die a few times:

Whistling indoors might be a universal superstition. To this day, if someone walks into my office whistling (really it’s just this one weird guy) I get up and walk away.

You know what he/she meant! Now go tempt fate and see what happens


I couldn’t help but think of the new cabinet as I was reading your response:

Listen, Oreo addiction is real, y’all. I had a bit of a “problem” a few years ago and ended up gaining almost 10 pounds. They can be addictive and with all the new flavors, sh*t got real.

As I understand it, the starch was filling and was a means to lift the hot chicken to your mouth. My father grew up in rural African-American Augusta GA (home of Mr. James Brown himself, not the golf club side) and my Grandmother always served her chicken hot out of the skillet with hot sauce and white bread. Sweet

I’ll concede the House of Cosbys thing. I just feel weird about the whole mess. I Googled it and Ms. Saingor’s book looks well written and unintentionally dishy. While it was a different time and in a way her father may have raised her the best way he knew how, to allow medical acumen to be used in ‘alleged’ crimes

Due to the nature of my job, I’ve gotten use to using “allegedly” all the time...I’m just using “allegedly” because Dr. Cosby has a way of suing ANYBODY talking about the cases. That and the “House of Cosby” debacle in the aughties: