
I have a cool buddy who often sticks up for folks in overwatch voice and in hots text game chat. Even though I myself have not experienced much of the assholery trollery besides being called a Gorilla (I main winston ) or the N-word when people hear my deep voice.

This is what I thought it was. Kirby Crystal shards 64 was amazing

I am glad this happening is being shared and enjoyed. 

Thanks for bringing it back up Lurky.

It’s been four years but I can still tell ya what happened. Long story short she hit him in the dick with a fist full of wet lipton tea bags, They are married now :’^). Nothing says I love you like a tea bag punch to the dick. He was complaining about pain in that area so she was just trying to help.

Recently received a Ninty Switch unfortunately there isn’t much for me to do with it until Super Mario odyssey hits. Hopefully it gets some nice exclusive and I pray their online service doesn’t suck.

Probably gonna work on some more Dark Rose Valkyrie, Then alternate between HOTS, SMITE and LoL.

They added something similar in Smite where you get notifications if someone you reported had action taken against them. Not sure about other games though.

ATLANTIS YES! A lot of these were great.

I didn’t even know it was going.

That’s pretty neat.

Thats what threw me off in the begining too i had raised a bunch of normie 1 stars then found out i get better fighters as i progress so i got caught in the cycle of letting my dudes die to make the new types. Some of the scaling enemy was very STUPID though.

I would be fine with just being able to do it all offline. Like in dark souls you couldnt be invaded by players if you were undead/not humanity or kindled i think. Unless it was an NPC invasion. like even though the Ai controlled attackers were predictable a lot of them had been built for one hit kills. Using a weapon

Same here my friend who was constantly going to rescue my captured defender eventually gave up as well it gets more nuts.

I recall switching to a small population place with less than 10 players active at the time shortly after Asia and SEA regions were added. Still got hit often by hunters.

I really wish i could have stuck with this one. The constantly getting caught up in turf wars and having CPU characters sent after me killed it for me though.

I am okay with this.

Edit: Oh I mean “boooo” Koatku delayed my giant bug killer game u gaiz r out of control.

So just Kirby right now. that’s fine but I did this because I was bored.

This is neat. Also my sister wants her outfit.

cuz you like fish sticks