Sonsidering that I have been listening to her Volta and Vespertine albums recently this is a welcome addition to my Bjork playlist!
Sonsidering that I have been listening to her Volta and Vespertine albums recently this is a welcome addition to my Bjork playlist!
I have been trying to find it for a reasonable price for x360 but gosh!
I would just like to see Vesperia get re-release on ps4 in english.
ENJOY IT im thinking of revisting both parts of P2 then playing p3p since i never got to play the female protag.
add more to the backlog and start playing tekken 7
Z hello. tis’ me. Novi. I loved Hot punk doctor Takemi. She never gave up on [insert spoiler]. I like her a lot I was thinking of going for Haru on the next run because I didn’t even get to finish her story on my first run. I felt kinda odd about the choices too like I didnt care for Miss reporter, or teacher maid. I…
Is the soundtrack for the game as good as that trailer?
Nice try Ryuji.
I managed to max all but two on my first run but i wasted a few days working out. i did max my social skills though which will make NG+ a breeze
man I totally let akibas beat slip me. hope my gamestop got a copy
Levels roll back to whatever they are for the specific dungeon or palace. You do get the opti0n to choose your difficulty again before naming the main character again. so If you want to try merciless go right ahead.
pretty hype for it after playing the warmastered edition of the first game.
bamboozled again
have you looked into Hover: Revolt of Gamers? They even git the main composer to come and do some tracks for the game. Its only being worked on by a small team though. Still in the works.
I may pick him up eventually I have been playing league for only about 2 years and mainly stick to support or adc.
RIP Sona, I love that Hecarim skin though. I have seen him played jungle but not clear on the success or win rate with him.
Neat I forwarded this article to a few folks and they knew them immediately so i guess they are doing well.
Refillable potion you have to mail back the container probably taste like water with some minerals in it.
i remember those days getting mana pots on riven or garen just because... why not.