
“A program like the TVA to fix the roads would be appreciated.”

There are still tons, and tons of jobs open. The problem is, people are too unwilling to move. People want work to come to them. Realistically, the future manual laborer is going to have be much more nomadic. Go to where the work is. Drive up Lake Michigan in Wisconsin. The concentration of help wanted signs is breath

“...people like these that get left behind without much to show for the decades they spent doing what they were asked to do.“

There is only one true XT6.

Our readership’s demand for Isuzu Piazza/Impulse content cannot be sated, so here is more—more to feed your hunger! Is it enough? Will it ever be enough? I don’t care, and I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.

Not really. Things are bad! There’s little to no plausible hope of things getting better, either!

The day my Netscape Navigator 2.0 stops working is the day you pry it from my cold, dead hands...

On Chrome? Your IT department is dumb. Chrome is one of the few programs out there that we love because it auto-updates itself regardless of user rights level... they are manually disabling your ability to update it through a group policy, and I’d love to know the logic behind that.

Where’s the “crack pipe” option? Solidly crack pipe.

The service centers get hammered with people that don’t know how anything works, because the delivery process at present is poo. They spend like 5 minutes teaching you how to use the car then you’re on your own. There’s a giant-ass screen in the middle of the dash, it seems it’d be easy enough to include links for

Last year, 78% of all Model 3 orders were placed online, rather than in a store, and 82% of customers bought their Model 3 without ever having taken a test drive...Customers are becoming increasingly comfortable making purchases online, and that is especially true for Tesla 

Dodge Sold Three (3) Darts Has Best Sales Month Ever in the U.S. Last Month

“wow, it’s in great shape!”

Oh boy, my wife is lucky we are buying a house and all our money is tied up there. Otherwise she would have the good fortune of finding this in our driveway. I have very fond memories of this movie. The owner of the movie store in town asked me and my friends if we wanted to just buy the DVD from her, because we were

Dean, if your ever in Seattle I’ll buy you a beer. There’s not a lot of people whose minds would IMMEDIATELY jump to exactly that on seeing that headline. Bravo. 

NO WAY. I just dug up a few stills from that epi and the follow-on. Probably my fav show as a kid, it’s funny to watch it now but the cheese factor is off the charts. Here’s Steve Austin battling the death probe 2 with... a fire extinguisher?

Wow, good memory, and of course, the clip was on YouTube. I watched- and loved - that show as a kid, on our *color* 17" TV. Then Rockford Files came on after, I think... ah, the 70s.