
I really don’t get the lack of context people consider. If Tesla had never invested in the model 3 or gigafactory, they could be churning a profit with a respectable volume of cars for a luxury automaker, they’ve proven they could do so and the current investments are calculated.

He makes a snarky comment on a phone

dry pavement is left in the dust while wet pavement gets all the glory. only jeep seems to give dry pavement it’s due, but even then, they put in lots of rocks. do you think it’s fair that dry pavement gets cracks, dirt and brake dust everywhere, and even garbage thrown at it? how would you like it if i spit my gum on

It can’t be a Camry, those are grounded to the ground.

Toronto Police couldn’t explain how the car got there or a motive, but they did provide the media with a sketch of the most likely suspects.

Is this someone protesting the death of sedans?

This. How many taxi drivers still only take cash (regardless of what the city has mandated), have no mobile app, and the second they realize you’re a tourist, will take you the absolute most expensive route?

How blockchain works:

It’s not like you being awake would make a difference. Best to be blissfully unaware of all the near accidents.

Almost any time I’m in a car, I’m driving. No naps for me, unless I want to stop somewhere.

Oh man, I want to punch it so bad. It looks so much fun to punch.

For godsake just wear a head-pillow-sock-thing like a dignified adult.

Seems the recession has hit Fancy Kristen hard and her dedicated pillow-man-servant, who’s only job was to hold a pillow at all times in a car journey, has had to be “let go”

Maybe they could rename it...

“How does someone with such poor judgement make enough money to buy a Tesla? “

Being able to socially game institutions like government and corporations to reach a high salary has nothing to do with intelligence, common sense, technical ability, merit, or much of anything but understanding how to climb socially within an institutional structure.

Please check this correction, reminding that for an international convention since ever, the right and left sides of a car are defined from inside the cabin:

how do all these idiots hold jobs that pay enough for a tesla?

(Note that this took place in England, so the left-hand side is the driver side.)

Frankly, they should revoke his drivers license. Maybe charge him with depraved indifference- but I think someone has to get hurt first for that...