
One thing about the FWD V8 put into these cars at this time - the LS4 - is how much it eventually revolutionized custom FWD builds for GM enthusiasts. Prior RWD LS layout utilized the GM “90 degree” RWD bell housing pattern, which made swapping to a FWD layout very difficult (i.e., Fiero V8 swaps that needed an

For my money the worst interior from that time, and possibly ALL time, was the Dodge Caliber’s. My friend was subjected to a loaner, and both of us cut ourselves on the plastic seams. But by god...just look at it:

This should be called the Hissy Fit


And if you screw up, 99.9 percent of the time, you can fix it.

David, you hit on the key thing that keeps my friends from wrenching. “What if I screw up?”

While they aren’t the Porsche 350kw / 800v chargers, why does every article fail to mention the existing network of thousands of public charging stations already out there, including almost 3,000 DC Fast Chargers?

You’re wrong! Every car in the world needs to be an LS-Swapped Brown Miata Wagon , or a cheap Brown 90s Ford Ranger to tow the Miata to the track.

Check the time stamps buddy. Car pulls into bay at 12:54. The 2:11 time stamp is when the car is running on the lift to set the fluid level.

Some people are just really bad at figuring out their total cost.

The mechanics got so caught up in whether or not they could, they didn’t consider whether or not they should.

I mean, sure, but who really wants an Temprasaurus Rex running around? Or would it be a Fiatodon?

Concrete is strong under compression, but weak under tension. I mean, back of the napkin math says it should be ok. The biggest worry would be some spalling getting down around the crankshaft.

Any deal with Canada should include deporting Justin Bieber and revoking his passport.

“Who will be in charge of following up on action items after the meeting?”

I want an autonomous luxury minivan for 90%+ of my driving. There, I said it. Most of my driving isn’t DRIVING, it’s just getting somewhere with a bunch of other people on the road. I’ll keeop an old, basic, fun car for when I want to go for a real DRIVE, but for commuting, getting groceries, or cruising along on a

You know you can get a fusion wagon in Germany. They look pretty good in person.