
Yeah. Like Brady will be fighting while rushing for a first down... with a defender already wrapping him up... with another rushing at him to deliver a hit. Brady would throw it away/slide immediately after the snap if any such possibility remotely occurs to him.

True. I don’t get why they did not try some gimmicky edge runs (with White, Dorsett or Edelman) just to force Bills’ defense to take a second before rushing headlong straight up. Brady rarely had time to even turn around properly before someone was already there. It is at times like these that Brady’s limitations with

Ah. I see that someone has moved to Trump Level on his conspiracy theories.

I abhor the attitudes of private companies (profit at the cost of my mother AND my soul!), but... you are not entirely correct in this. Private companies do have different allowances built into your pay based on your work location. Not sure if all have it, but at least the big ones do. I saw a 15% difference between

His mistake was playing lights out when there is still hope. Their GM and Coach probably thought this season was a wash and looked to cash in. However, there seems to be hope with Minshew and they know Ramsey is one of their top guys, probably their best players.

They don’t. Otherwise Chargers won’t have a QB for 90% of their games.

It’s not working out that well for the Steelers.

Why, when asked, “What was the last straw?” did Belichick not at least mumble something to Dana Jacobson about the decision being what was best for the football team? Because he isn’t sold that it was the best thing for the football team. And the real answer, “Robert is the boss and the heat got too hot…” would have

LOL. And in Pittsburgh, Oakland and... Cleveland!

One here. Brown did not really add much (in terms of winning) to the team and was likely to be suspended soon anyway. Civil charges are one thing but texting threatening messages to his accusers was another level. On top of that, his social media stuff was unabated. Belichick is a smart guy. He probably knew where

We are going to support Matt

...but demonstrably mediocre in any other field.

I think they had a first down with about 19 seconds and a timeout. They could have done pretty much whatever they wanted with ball placement. But... Bucs!

Seems BIg Ben got hurt at just the right time. If the Steelers can’t beat this 49ers team getting 5 turnovers, then situation must be pretty bleak.

I will never understand football fans. I would have bet that 95% of football fans would have wanted Patriots to sign Browns because he threatened to punch the GM and quit on his teams.

Especially in a Dolphins Tank year... they could have planned this for any other year.

Oh no. We all know that these questions will be coming forever. Why, Woodson wanted to chat about Tuck rule yesterday...

Even when Patriots were in Miami!

All that you said they should do. I think they should cut Brown immediately (or at least not play him) and the league should suspend him till they complete their investigations.

To be fair, assualt accusations were not known at that time. That changed everything. I am not sure why people are making so much of his crazy antics with Raiders. He behaved badly. Any team which felt equipped to deal with such behavior could put up with it. It is not criminal to refuse to be a reasonable