
I have uBlock too. Not only does it bypass uBO, it automatically restarts playing if you switch tabs even though i clearly, immediately mashed that stop/x button out of frustration the first time around

Nobody’s really watching your annoying, aggressive autoplay popout videos either. Stop wasting energy and our bandwith and cut that shit, please. I come here to read articles. if i want to watch a video (which i don’t) i’ll click it myself, thanks.

Move somewhere that hasn’t been cloudy for the past 3 months

Well good on them for offering the option. However as you can probably imagine, having to play detective to find the thousands of unknown data broker companies operating in the shadows to manually opt-out (by entering / validating more information about yourself) quickly becomes unsustainable.

Like i said: “i want out

Fine, Mr Engelgau. You do you, but I don’t do business with you. So I want to opt out. I want out of all the other bottom feeder services like yours.

So how do i do that, uh?

I am not a product. I am not for sale. My habits and interests are not for sale.

you also need to trust that they are honest with the data you provide them by literally sending all your traffic through their servers and not, like, mining the shit out of what you and your family do when you think you are not observed and sell that insight to the highest bidders

edit: oops, Mythbusters bit mentioned in the article. i was too lazy to read.

hopefully Mr SpaceTwit’s ego experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly first hand.

that.. looks like a high tech gag ball.

it’s not too bad. Some stuff breaks, especially poorly made sites that rely implicitly on 3rd party trackers (even with a paid subscriptions) that break javascript execution. Looking at you, MagellanTV

(i’ve since closed that account. Not paying for something that doesn;t work and i’m not deactivating my blockers.)

By stopping the request short of it being transmitted through countless switches, back-ends and ISPs, 3rd party brokers and throughout the world, yes. That takes energy.

more reasons for blocking ads at the router level for the whole home network. Either via OpenWRT or vi a Pi-Hole.

I’m also blocking ads at the small office network i manage for work.

Oh, and by the way, the ad industry is not only figurative pollution, but actual pollution. It wastes an insane amount of internet traffic

“.. stage engines start .. 3.. 2.. 1.. Booster indgedgegj”

i mean.. get the pro. I crashed mine badly even with the extra sensors.

What could go wrong lol

Well, actually ...

I personally never had but a single issue in the past 20 years with the servers i managed thanks to NTP, but more importantly:

Cool cool. Now can we get rid of DST ?

Hunter-Torrick left open the possibility of an Oversight Board-Twitter partnership. Here it’s worth noting that though the Oversight Board was intended with Facebook in mind, Meta executives, including CEO Mark Zuckerberg suggested it could deliberate on content cases for other companies as well.

those faces... uncanny valley level 1000